Our Team

Yakov Temov

Chief Executive Officer
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Mr. Temov was a founding partner of ConnectedIO and led the engineering team that developed the company’s first product for Verizon. Yakov is an engineering executive who specialises in product development and commercialisation. Mr. Temov was previously VP of Engineering at U4EA Technologies where he managed a team of over 100 persons and was responsible for product design and engineering. Mr Temov has a long track record of delivering innovative products and building world-class engineering teams.


Chief Marketing Officer
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Mr. Tom Hunt is a Silicon Valley Wireless technology executive with broad-based expertise in corporate development, sales, marketing, and strategy. A serial entrepreneur that leads from the front to achieve early successes and positive momentum. Mr. Hunt also serves on the Board of Directors of the Wireless Communications Alliance where he serves as Chairman of the 5G Special Interest Group (SIG).